Framsup is now in stealth mode, Day X of my #100DayProject

November 24, 2020 . 4 min read




I have been slacking.

What started as a #100DayProject will likely stop half way through. I have been building Framsup for quite a while now, and given the stage reached - and a couple of other life factors - I am afraid I will not putting the same amount of daily effort. It was a great run though and I definitely learnt hips by doing it - I should be calling it the #50DayProject 🤣.

It is interesting to go back and check the thought process and rational behind doing a #100DayProject and how it can help anyone not only learning something new but also find ways to retain that knowledge with repeated sessions on a given topic.

What I have learnt building Framsup

This is a brief and snappy take on my key learnings and as a result it is not meant to be an extensive reflection. I guess I learnt a bunch of different things by doing this, some more technical, others very difficult to quantify that could be tagged as emotional gains or something of that sort. For me the biggest win is that I am now able to think about tackling problems and challenges that I wouldn't be able to consider otherwise.

Confidence aside, I was able to learn a could of things about:

Obviously there are way more technical learnings around this project but the mentioned above are the main ones.

What is next for Framsup

I am not going to kill Framsup, quite the opposite, I will continue to contribute and to evolve it. As a matter of fact you now can download all the frameworks that we have created for free.

Definitely I need to continue to push more frameworks and drive more content that is relevant. There are so many things I want to add and write about... it is just a question of time. If you have great ideas that you would like to share, please do it here so that I can integrate them.

As mentioned, I will continue to maintain this project and I am planning to (1) build more tools and frameworks, (2) and as I do that, think about a nice way to search and filter for them and (3) create a new page where I will put all the tools (software tools) that can help anyone on the different phases of designing products and services.

You can probably see that this project is no longer anchored on the technical aspects of building a web app on JAMstack, but more on the content side of it, and I def want to learn more.

What is next on my plate

There are a couple of things that I want to learn about:

  • graphQl mutations (and better understand on how to integrate them on a react app)
  • next.js and how it compares with gatsby.js
  • how to set up a simple e-commerce web app with authentication
  • react-leaflet and maps
  • ...
  • and so much more...

Classic, so many things to learn and so little time. In the next couple of days I will jump on the #blackFriday bandwagon and get myself a new challenge with a new online course. Any suggestions?

Hope to see you around!


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